Material Handling

Customize storage options by utilizing over 900 Cantilever Arm Sets, 1900 Rack/Shelving Sets, and Large Floor space
20,000 sqft of climate control warehouse for special needs out of 140,000 Sq.ft. of cover area of storage
Extra security with CCTV (Close Circuit Television).

50 acres of paved tubular storage with 60+ acres for expansion with more than 500 pipe rack Sills.
Custom-made pipe racks are designed to fulfill all the customer storage needs to protect the product so no metal-to-metal contact storage.
K&B Specialize in the Storage of CRA Tubular products by meeting and exceeding the norms such as API 5CRA/ ISO 13680, API 5C1, for handling, processing, packaging of CRA products.
More capabilities. More services. More support.
K&B’s Customer Inventory Services provide the personalized services you require.